I’m Antonio Puentedura Prados


  1. WRITING 01

    Hi, Antonio

    How are you? My name is Antonio Puentedura. I’m from Granada , Spain.
    My birthday is in July and I am 12 years old. I am a student at Ies
    Mediterráneo.I have got a brother and sister. My brother’s name is
    Manolo and my sister’s name is María. I have also got a cat, a dog,
    some fish and a bird at home.
    I love animals!

    Your new friend


    Antonio Puentedura Prados 1º ESO A

  2. WRITING 02

    Germán Sánchez

    Germán Sánchez is a football player im Granada cf. His birthday is on
    thirty-first October
    (nineteen eigthy-six) Germán is from San Fernando (Cádiz, Spain).

    What does Germán look like? He is athletic and tall. Germán’s hair is
    curly, short and dark. He has got brown eyes.

    What is Germán like? He is confident and hard-working. Germán is also
    easy-going and friendly.

  3. WRITING 03

    My house is very big. There are four bathrooms. There is a kitchen and a terrace. There is a lourge. There is a dining room. There is a study room. The several rooms. There is an iron room. There is a roo. There is a garage.

    Antonio Puentedura Prados 1º ESO A.

  4. WRITING 04

    I have a big bedroom.

    In my bedroom there is a clock opposite the door. Next to the clock windows with curtains. Next to the door there a table with a lamp on it. Nex to the table there is a big bed with a blue duvet and pillow on it. Im front of the bed there is a wooden armchair. On the floor yhere is a rug and also there is celling fan in my room. Opposite the bedroom there is a desk with a laptop and a pencil case on it. There are two posters above the desk. There is a chair opposite the desk. Near the desk, there is a big TV and a play station the wall.

    Antonio Puentedura Prados 1º ESO A.

  5. WRITING 05

    Assistant: Can I help you?

    Customer: Yes, please. I'd like something nice for my living room.

    Assistant: How about this sofa?

    Customer: How much is it?

    Assistant: It's $300.

    Customer: Oh, no thanks. I haven't got $300. How much are these chairs?

    Assistant: They're $75.

    Customer: Great. I'll take two.

    Antonio Puentedura Prados 1º ESO A.

  6. WRITING 06


    My name is Antonio Puentedura. I'm 12 years old and I'm from Molvízar. I haven't got any sisters or brothers. My high school is in a institute. My school is in Salobreña, a village near to Molvízar. I get up 7:00 in the morning and I have breakfast. I go to my school by bus I take it at 7:50. I study from 8:15 to 14:45. After school, I do homework and I go to music class. Then I play Ps4 online with my friends. I also like playing football, I'm in a club in Motril. Do you like play football?

    Your new friend,


    Antonio Puentedura Prados 1º ESO A.

  7. WRITING 07

    B: Hello. How can I help you?

    A: Hi my name is Antonio. I'd like some information about guitar lessons.

    B: How old are you?

    A: I'm 12.

    B: Do you want private lessons or would you like to join a class?

    A: I don't know. How often is the class?

    B: The class four you age is twice a week.

    A: When is the class?

    B: Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 pm.

    A: How much does it?

    B: The class is $75 a month.

    A: Thanks. Let me think about it.

    Antonio Puentedura Prados 1º ESO A-


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